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Rogers Ranch Rapids

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Your Neighborhood Swim Team!

The Rogers Ranch Rapids summer swim team is unique in that it only draws its swimmers from the Crosstimber and Fallingbrook neighborhoods within Rogers Ranch. The goal of the team is to provide a safe, fun, engaging and competitive environment for our children to swim together.

It's a great way to introduce your children to swimming and keep them fit in the summer time. The team is open to boys and girls from 5 years old (required to swim one length of the pool unassisted) to 18 years old. Our team is organized and operated by a Swim Team Committee that reports to the Crosstimber/Fallingbrook Swim Club Board. The committee is made up of volunteer parents and the head swim coach.

If you want to learn more about the Rogers Ranch Rapids, please contact the Committee member Andrea Wagner at andreawagner0709@gmail.com.

Thank you.

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